I have a confession to make to my readers: My poker playing friends refer to me as the man in the blue serape.
It's actually more than that. It is a blue and white sacred serape.
Once, years ago, I was blessed by an Indian artist named Nancy Wright from Phoenix, AZ. Nancy lived in a large wood-framed house that had a pony in the front yard. She painted spirit, she practiced yoga, she gave great Indian massages, and she was pretty. Naturally I fell in love with her.
Nancy's grandfather was a Blackfoot Indian who was a tribal medicine man. He taught her a massage technique that could transfer energy and Nancy taught it to me.
One wonderful day she massaged me and then blessed me, using the words of her grandfather. It was an incredible exchange of energy.
I will be going to Jacksonville, FL. this weekend for another rendezvous with fate. The games will be at the BestBet, a poker room that delivers the goods.
The last time I played at BestBet, I didn't do very well. It took weeks for me to regain my confidence but now I am ready.
I am bringing another couple of weapons into my game. Be ready for me and call my raises at your peril.
I am wearing my blessed serape. It will help ward off your raises, double raises and crazy draws. Challenge me at your own risk.
Remember in poker to the aggressor goes the spoils. I plan to be as aggressive as Atilla the Hun. Don't say you weren't warned.
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