W.C. Fields is a classic example of what a gambler who imbibes should look like. His hilarious portrayals of gamblers and con-men on the make still make the world laugh.
I can imagine his bulbous nose and all in a saloon staring at his cards while puffing on a cigar. There are few things more decadent than that, right?
Here is my advice to you. When you enter another casino or sit at a new table where players do not know you, announce loudly, 'I'm trying to steal it' before pounding the table with your rase.'
The pounding alone will ljar most of the players awake. They will snarl beneath their calm exteriors and demand internally to know the identity of the person who would disturb their mood.
Of course, the other players will accept your challenge. Lead them to the pits. Even if you lose the hand, you will establish an image they can never forget. And if you win, you will create the same damage to their image of you.
From that point on, anytime you have a real hand, press it with all your power. Your foes will call you to the river, pursuing the person who would try to steal their money.
After a couple of hours of play, do it again. Snarl 'I'm trying to steal it,' and pound your raise into the table. This will be a repeat of your earlier performance. It will also defy the axiom of 'lightning does not strike twice in the same spot.'
Your image as a man who tries to steal pots will follow you wherever you go. And that's fine. That's exactly what you want it to do. You will have to play your players and let your cards decide the depth of your deception.
Once you make your big hand, bet it until the end since you will have players who will call you. If you get caught in a bluffing attempt, that's fine. The lost money will soon be returned to you with interest. Just be sure that at showdown you will be able to deliver the goods.
Author: Geno Lawrenzi Jr.
(Geno Lawrenzi Jr. is an international journalist, magazine author and ghostwriter and poker player who lives in Phoenx, AZ. He has published 2,000 articles in 50 magazines and 125 newspapers. If you want to share a gambling story or book idea with him, send an email to glawrenzi@gmail.com ).
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