Merge Network Introduces Unpopular New Rule

Oct 28, 2012
Merge Network Introduces Unpopular New Rule
A confirmation of wide rumors arrived this week from the US-friendly Merge poker network that it is banning player-to-player financial transactions from November 1 2012. Of course, this move is very likely to be unpopular among US players who use the option to get money from non-US players. But unexpectedly, some Merge operators also seem to hold grudge against the measure as they claim it was made without consulting them first. One as yet unidentified operator therefore commented: " of November 1, Merge will be removing all players' ability to send p2p transfers from the poker client … this is a decision taken by Merge, and one we were not consulted on.” Commenting on its own decision, Merge just said it was not taken lightly and has involved detailed consideration of a 'number of factors', adding that it is in the best interests of both Merge and its operators.
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